This selection is a little spoiler, there is more in the pipeline.
We will regularly update this page to let you know what else is on in Stuttgart. Have fun browsing!
The Urban Data Summit is an interactive symposium for inter-municipal data-based urban development. Digitisation and the strategic use of data offer municipalities, cities and municipal enterprises enormous opportunities to meet increasingly complex local challenges, to design public living spaces sustainably and to make processes of public services as efficient as possible. This event brings inter-municipal cooperation for sustainable data-driven design of cities and regions to the forefront.
The Young Leaders Programme brings a cohort of international urban changemakers aged 30 or younger to the conference to inspire, share knowledge, and network. Look out for them during the conference days and take the opportunity to talk to the next generation of CityChangers!
The Young Leaders Academy is a value-driven education and consulting collective by and for the next generation of sustainable urban development. YLA addresses former participants of the Young Leaders Programme and consists of an annual Curated Programme at UF Conferences and an Online Academy that takes place multiple times through the year.
The DGNB Sustainability Day is the central event for the DGNB community. The day is for networking and exchange with like-minded people and brings together all players in the construction and real estate industry with a focus on sustainable building. While the day’s programme is only open to DGNB members and held in German, guests are welcome to network afterwards, subject to registration.
Making change in Stuttgart a tangible experience – a maximum of 30 participants will have this opportunity at the Urban Development Hackathon, taking place all day on 20 June at the HLRS (High Performance Computing Center) of the University of Stuttgart! Together with the city of Stuttgart, a bridge crossing the river Neckar has been selected to be redesigned into a place of sustainable transport and local recreation. You can choose either to propose a complete redesign as the bridge will be demolished in the next years or suggest temporary interventions which can be applied in the meantime for the European Mobility Week. Take your change and register here for one oft he limited spots to redesign Stuttgart!
The World Benchmarking Alliance is developing an Urban Benchmark that will assess 400 of the world’s largest and most influential companies on their efforts to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Learn about the draft methodology that we’ll use to assess these companies and share your expert feedback!
Housing crisis, energy price shock, shortage of building materials: construction and housing are facing a profound change, without which the climate targets cannot be met. New concepts for urban development are also needed. But what are Germans prepared to do when it comes to energy efficiency and sustainability in their own homes? How do they want to live in the future and how open are they to smart homes and cities? Be there when the TechnikRadar 2023 is published by acatech – German Academy of Science and Engineering, Körber Foundation and ZIRIUS (University of Stuttgart)! This event will be held in German.
The inter-municipal network meeting on official and company mobility management is aimed at mobility managers from municipal and district administrations, ministries, energy agencies, chambers and associations.
Hosted by BABLE Smart Cities, The Municipality of Breda, and their EU-funded project, GreenQuays, “Between Smart & Green” is an exclusive, invite-only side event. The event aims to explore smart solutions for creating greener communities in dense environments and invites to be part of the conversation on climate adaptation. Will you join this action-packed day where Smart meets Green?
This event is set to take place at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart, from 9:00am – 6:30pm.
Attendance is free!
„Cities for Mobility“ is a network of municipalities, companies, research institutions and organizations from civil society that cooperate for developing, implementing and disseminating innovative policies and measures for sustainable urban mobility. Because the 2020 congress had to be cancelled due to Covid, the 10th edition of the congress will now be made up for during the Urban Future conference week. The latest updates will be made available on the website soon.
Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH is part of the Urban Mobility RAPTOR Challenge 2023. 14 start-ups and SMEs from the EU have applied for the challenge “Rethink your ride” – “How can we change the arrival and departure culture to big events to relieve congestion?” of the Stuttgart Region. The winning team from the Stuttgart Region will be presented as part of Urban Future 2023 at the House of Architects, introducing their solution to the above challenge to organisers of large events, venue operators and multipliers in the field of urban mobility and sustainability. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity for networking and a detailed exchange for further cooperation.
Admission only with prior registration.
This event will be held in German.
With the aim of raising awareness of the contribution of the construction sector to climate change and the urgency of switching from cement to other natural and environmentally friendly materials such as clay, this workshop will include theoretical and practical contributions on the strengths, properties and possibilities of this material. It will also present the different techniques and additives used in earthen construction. Best practice projects in traditional and modern
applications from the global south will be showcased.
Number of Participants: 20
Participation fees are 50 Euro (for Students 20 Euro)
Registration via Email: ezbet13@gmail.com
How about having casual dinner with more than a thousand sustainability leaders and experts from across Europe? Well, then this is for you. Put this casual dinner social into your schedule as Urban Futurists will “highjack” one of the city’s most iconic eating streets to flock into its numerous eateries, restaurants, and bars.
Food is special – and this Open-Air Banquet will be your opportunity to have fun, meet locals, and do good at the same time. Have interesting encounters, enjoy a sensational dinner from rescued food cooked on the spot, and get a feeling for the true Stuttgart when you’ll dine with citizens and peers at a wonderful open-air banquet in the city’s first bicycling street. Seats are very limited and registration is absolutely required.
Sorry people, we are fully booked, no more seats.
Celebrate the longest day of the year with an extensive yoga session! Join one of four different sessions, all led by Stuttgart trainers. No fee or registration required, but don’t forget to bring your mat or a large towel!
Join in between 7pm and 9pm at “Tal der Rosen” (Höhenpark Killesberg)
(by invitation only)
Hosted by Städtetag Baden-Württemberg, this side event targets the topics of leadership and change management specifically on the mayoral level. How can they implement transformation processes in the city in connection with sustainability issues? What do they need for this, the point of reference being both the administration and the citizens in the city? From vision to communication to mobilization, this event (held in German) sheds light on the “how-to” of transformation processes implemented by mayors.
This is an event for our German speaking community! The church St. Maria opens its doors for a public discussion about the impact of so called “Reallabore”, experimental workshops in which citizens work together with scientists to make cities more sustainable. What lessons can be learned? The International Center for Cultural and Technological Studies (IZKT, University of Stuttgart) is looking forward to welcome you.
Start: 2pm in St. Maria, Tübingerstraße 36
Thursday & Friday
The Noise Congress 2023 in Stuttgart in June offers almost 30 lectures by experts on the topic of noise. It will take place under the motto “Consistently protect health” in Stuttgart at the Evangelisches Bildungszentrum Hospitalhof (22-23 June). The congress offers a varied programme for employees of the various administrative levels, planning and expert offices, especially from the fields of noise protection, noise action planning and urban and traffic planning. Please note: the event will be held in German and requires an extra registration + fee:
One woman’s crusade against waste: Filmed over two years and across four continents, Food Fighter follows Ronni Kahn’s crusade as she partners with the United Nations, rubs shoulders with royalty and Jamie Oliver’s juggernaut, rifles through dumpster bins and holds government to account. Ronni used to be a contributor to Australia’s annual $20 billion food waste bill when she ran a successful corporate events company producing million-dollar dinners. Then she realised the absurdity of throwing away perfectly edible food, and decided to prioritise social activism over profit by founding OzHarvest.
Start: 6pm at Kino Atelier am Bollwerk (Hohe Str. 26, 70176 Stuttgart) for symbolic €1 entrance fee.
The Stadtwerke Impact Day is a climate event for courageous municipal utilities, cities and municipalities. The #SID is an inspiring mix of real newcomers from the world of public utilities, cities and municipalities. The SID in Stuttgart is a great opportunity for SIDizens and CityChangers from all over the world to meet and share their experiences, knowledge and motivation.
Starting on Friday (for 1 month)
The IBA’27 festivals in 2023 and 2025 provide insights into the working methods, projects and ideas of the IBA even before the exhibition year 2027. As interactive and experimental formats and festivals, they make it possible to experience urban development as a joint process in the Stuttgart region. An open space for meeting and exchange will be created in the festival headquarters at Königstraße 1c from 23 June onwards. In the middle of Stuttgart city centre, we invite you to find out more about the IBA’27, to linger and to get involved:
On June 24th, 2023, the “Klimaaktionstag” event will take place, hosted by the “Amt für Umweltschutz” of Stuttgart, in partnership with “Staatstheater Stuttgart” and “Stadtpalais Stuttgart”. This event will feature art and theater performances, all revolving around the topics of climate change and adaptation.
The event will focus on three main topics: climate change and energy saving, mobility and climate-friendly living, and climate adaptation and urban green. The organizers aim to reach out to citizens of Stuttgart, as well as climate change specialists, who are interested in adopting a more sustainable lifestyle. The event will include several stages, workshops, and local initiatives and NGOs, with the goal of educating visitors about the effects of climate change and presenting solutions for a more energy-efficient, climate-friendly way of living.
The event kicks off at 12 pm, with a concert or party at the main stage to close out the day. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn and make a difference!
Olivier Messiaen’s Scenes about Saint Francis of Assisi is less an opera than an oratorio or even more: a ritual for which Messiaen wrote one of the most richly tonal, impressive and dazzling scores of the 20th century. The team around conductor Titus Engel and director Anna-Sophie Mahler will approach this monumental work in a very special way: The first act and the last act will be performed in the opera house, and in between the audience will go on a pilgrimage through the city with the State Orchestra, the State Opera Choir and the soloists. With headphones, but also as an open-air performance in front of the opera house and on the open-air stage Killesberg, this work can be experienced and heard in a completely different way than usual. A pilgrimage with Messiaen and a Way of the Cross into nature to bring nature into the opera house. Shall we set out together?