Zöe Fitzgerald

Zöe Fitzgerald

Head of City-Business Engagement at C40 Cities | UK

Zöe Fitzgerald leads the City-Business Engagement team at C40 Cities. This is the network of mayors from world-leading cities that collaborate to deliver urgent climate action and create a future where everyone can thrive. Her work focuses on facilitating collaboration between businesses and cities in order to accelerate climate action, and support new models of partnership. Zöe’s team manages the City-Business Climate Alliance (CBCA) programme, which provides the most ambitious city and business leaders with a platform to convene, set joint commitments, co-create, and implement projects that help cities deliver on their Climate Action Plans in line with the Paris Agreement. Prior to C40, Zöe managed a capacity-building programme for the UK Government. Providing technical support to governments across 16 middle-income countries, she helped raises climate ambition and reduce emissions. At Innovate UK she led on climate for urban systems, bringing innovative businesses and cities together. She has also worked on research and innovation policy at the British Embassy in Washington DC.