Viktor Schoner
Artistic Director at Staatsoper Stuttgart | Germany
Viktor Schoner can look back on quite an international, musical journey: In Berlin, he studied viola at two universities, joined a fellowship at New York University, founded Akademie Musiktheater Heute, joined the Salzburg Festival and RuhrTriennale as dramaturgical and personal assistant, worked at Opéra national de Paris and Bayerische Staatsoper before becoming an intendant and Artistic Director at Staatsoper Stuttgart – his station since season 2018/19. The first years of his directorship were shaped by stage directors such as Axel Ranisch, Stephan Kimmig, Marco Štorman, the collective body of Hauen & Stechen, Silvia Costa, Anna-Sophie Mahler and Lotte de Beer as well as conductors such as General Music Director Cornelius Meister, Oksana Lyniv, Titus Engel, Marie Jacquot and Stefano Montanari. Over the years, Viktor also opened the stage of the opera house for contemporary pop artists such as Max Herre, Maeckes and Schorsch Kamerun.