Sylvie Gallier Howard

Sylvie Gallier Howard


Breaking out of boxes – this is exactly what Sylvie Gallier Howard tried so hard in her 8 years as a governmental official and would highly recommend others to do as well! Today, Sylvie is her own boss and founded a company focused on fostering more equitable cities. According to her, we all need to be intentionally focused on equity and sustainability in our work with cities – which is why she also focuses on like-minded clients who seek to actively effect change. Those, she supports with implementing great and impactful programs, e.g. creating more diverse and inclusive workforce development, or informing cities about just transition strategies. To excel at this major task, Sylvie keeps herself up to speed by educating herself about best practices and trends in equitable economic development across the globe. Sylvie’s goal eventually is to spark awesome conversations that leave those involved hungry for exploring further how we can ratchet up our efforts to ensure cities are models of equitable and environmentally sustainable growth.