Jeni Cross

Jeni Cross

Director at the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, Colorado State University | USA

Jeni Cross is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, USA. She is a community sociologist and interdisciplinary researcher, working with community partners on applied social change projects. These range from improving health and wellbeing in the built environment, to reducing high risk drinking, and creating systems change for environmental conservation. Her research has been published in over a dozen fields of science. She is regularly called on to coach and provide expertise to large international teams, projects, and institutes that work on diverse subjects, from public health to biology, and from machine learning to urban sustainability. Jeni is currently working with community partners to design transformational community reports that enhance the capacity of NGOs and government partners to engage in regenerative development. She co-authored the Global Research Agenda: Health, Well-being and the Built Environment, published by the International Well Building Institute. Her TED talk on behaviour change is used in dozens of university courses around the globe.


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