Alexander Schmidt

Alexander Schmidt

Founder & CEO of BABLE Smart Cities | Germany

Alexander Schmidt is the founder and CEO of BABLE. His background in management and applied research set him up for a career in developing and implementing business models for new markets and helping to create cutting-edge urban solutions. To do this, he draws on a deep understanding of the goals, processes, and background of industrial, scientific, and governmental institutions. Keen to make a difference in all sectors, Alex uses his expertise in system analysis and partnership moderation to support both the public and private entities seeking to make a positive impact on the world. Formerly with the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering, Alex began working on business models for the charging infrastructure of electric vehicles and smart grids. He led several research projects in smart mobility and data use in cities before working as a project manager in the Ambient Mobility Lab, the joint research lab of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Here, he helped develop mobility services based on Big Data Analytics. Alexander has also served as Interim Director of EIT Urban Mobility and founded the Smart Society Academy, which is now a fully integrated part of the BABLE portfolio. He holds bachelor's degrees in environmental engineering and technically oriented business administration and a master's in transport engineering.


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