Our mission is to support you to change your city for the better. That’s why we love to inspire, challenge, and connect you with the world’s most impressive urban change-makers. We do this through Europe’s largest events for urban sustainability, taking place in different cities and virtually, and through our global community of more than 50,000 CityChangers and 200+ organisations.

Speed up the transition to sustainable cities.
Join the movement.

Urban Future. The Better-Cities Event



“Cities need to become more sustainable in order to help solve our environmental problems. Together we need to do anything we can to speed up urban transformation.” – Gerald Babel-Sutter, passionate change-maker, co-founder and CEO of Urban Future

Our story:


Born out of a local urban mobility workshop in Graz, Austria, Urban Future has become the largest event for urban change-makers in Europe within just a few years. We started out as a small group of doers wanting to improve our city. You see, it has always been in our DNA to gather for action. It has simply changed shape – from a workshop in Graz to a global community of 50,000 urban change-makers.



The Urban Future Live Events have given us first-hand experience of “how” changing cities is done by practitioners. With that knowledge we can help speed up the transition process. We talk about the HOW – without the “hot air” – providing an impact boost for sustainability experts to act now!

“We didn’t plan for this, it just grew. It had to! People expect
cities to be sustainable and they needed us to show them how.”

Gerald Babel-Sutter

co-founder and CEO of Urban Future


The pain (main) point:


10,000s of passionate experts who would like to transform their cities don’t act. There is a thirst for actionable know-how. An information vacuum on how to drive change. We saw this problem in 2014.

Today our community of 50,000 urban change-makers strive to create better cities. And by better we mean sustainable, just, social, and green.

It is the heroes in our cities, passionate about making cities better, who drive positive change. We know it’s a tough job. You need actionable know-how, inspiration, a network, and the right skills to transform your city for the future.

Together we formulate answers to burning questions. We provide impactful solutions, learn from each other, and share knowledge on how to convince others, change structures and behaviours, and focus on the right issues.

Together we work for transformation on the ground in cities all over the world.

We are the faces behind Urban Future.


Favourite city? Although there are a lot of cities that I really like – Copenhagen, Madrid, Stockholm… I love Vienna the most: historic buildings, green spaces and the Viennese charme! 😉

CORNELIA Forsthuber-Aumayr

Young Leaders and Volunteers Coordinator | Partnership Manager

Favourite city? My favourite city is Füssen in Bavaria. It is tiny with a lovely old town and many small shops, and especially during autumn the golden trees between the castle and the river invite you to take a walk to the Lech-waterfall.


Project Manager

Favourite city? London! I’ve been there several times and it’s great to see the changes over the past 25 years. I enjoy strolling through the different districts.

ELKE Babel-Sutter

Corporate Services | Expo Manager

Favourite city? When you are with your loved ones, it almost doesn’t matter which city you are in. Personally, I love compact cities with lots of green spaces, open-minded citizens and water.

GERALD Babel-Sutter

CEO and Strategic Partnerships

My favorite city? Corona Del Mar, California. With volleyball courts, ocean breeze, playgrounds, bike-riders, boutique shops and more, it feels like I’m on vacation every time I’m there.

JACQUELINE Michelle Laure

Online Marketing Manager

Favourite city? For a blend of the truly ancient and dazzlingly modern, you can’t beat charming Kyoto. Green space and tranquillity are woven into its very fabric.

KARL Dickinson

Editor in Chief of CityChangers

Favourite city? Cities that inspire me are those that are creative, blessed with a rich history, yet working towards a bright future every day. Barcelona, Oslo and Lisbon are currently on top of my list.


Head of Marketing and Communications

Favourite city? Any city buzzing with a good mix of culture, night life, inspiring people and bookstores, and food over all. So far it's been Hong Kong and Paris!

NOEMI Volkmar

Business Partnerships & Speaker Manager

Favourite city? It’s car-free, surrounded and traversed by water and the most beautiful place to get lost. Your guess.


Programme Director


Partner and Co-Founder

Favourite city? Hong Kong! It’s a fascinating urban case, where building density reserves nature, instead of destroying it.


Partner and Co-Founder

Favourite city? Barcelona! It is my favourite weekend getaway destination, and I support their football team. I got a chance to discover the city when I studied there! I love the different districts, architecture and people!

LINUS Fridberg

Partnerships Manager Nordics