Victoria Blessing

Victoria Blessing

Senior Project Manager at Steinbeis 2i GmbH | Germany

Victoria Blessing is an expert in innovation, with a focus on social innovation, social enterprises, and innovation policy. She works as a senior project manager at the Steinbeis Europa Zentrum in Stuttgart, Germany. Among her other work, Victoria led a study on new technologies and social innovation, the results of which paved the way for the development of social innovation challenge events. These bring together stakeholders from different fields around a societal challenge, and through a moderated process support them in creating new social innovations. Victoria is also active in nature-based solutions and enterprises. For the NetworkNature project, she leads the work on supporting SMEs with tailored information on the business opportunities that nature-based solutions offer, funding opportunities, and suitable business models. She has a PhD in science and technology policy: her thesis is about user innovation of medical technologies in developing countries, with a special focus on lower limb prostheses. She previously worked in policy consultancy for the Technopolis Group.